I am so jealous of stay at home moms! I think about it everyday at least once a day! But I work from home part time and from my office part time so I actually have it better than it could be but my precious daughter is getting to be so funny... I am loving these times and I must say I am itching for baby number 2 not saying we are trying (who am i kidding no one reads this LOL) but it's getting BAD lol... But I love being a momma so much that sometime the other areas of my life really suffer But hubs decided he was going to spring a SURPRISE me with a special date. He set up a sitter and all the plans!!!! So after days of him trying to get around asking me about my schedule without actually asking me my schedule he had it all ready to go. I aggravated the snot out of him once I knew we had a "DATE" and what was it?!?!?!?
TIM MCGRAW concert!!!!!! So amazing!!! So SURPRISED and Soooo hubby received major Brownie points LOL
